Saturday, August 16, 2014

In Happier News...

Classic Game Room recently reached their original Kickstarter goal of $9,000 to fund the production of a 2-disc "best of" compilation featuring well over 50 CGR reviews to celebrate the show's 15th anniversary, including a couple exclusive reviews. They've even surpassed the first stretch goal of $11,000 and closing in on achieving their second. Your mileage may vary as to whether it's worth donating to something that compiles material already freely accessible online, but then nobody said anything when James Rolfe did the same thing years ago, albeit through different means.

In any case, I plopped some bucks for the DVD perk, which not only includes the "Best Of" set, but also the Classic Game Room mockumentary from 2007 that I wanted to get my hands on for a while, so done.

Check it out here if it fits your fancy;

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