MMPR 2010

I’ve been dipping back into Netflix for the past couple weeks and started watching some Mighty Morphin again. Yeah, I already have the DVDs (and they are awesome)… but Netflix just added the 2010 reversioning of the show (along with the rest of the seasons) and I decided to give it a dabble after not having seen it for a while.

It should be stated that the reversioning was somewhat controversial due to the choice of added effects and whatnots. A good number of people seem to hate it for that reason. Me? I actually didn’t care too much for them and perhaps that’s why I wasn’t too bothered by the changes. To me, it made an already cheesy, goofy show even more goofier. Whether that’s a good thing or not is up to personal preference, but to me, it just didn’t add all that much. It was MMPR, but with more glitter. It wasn’t like they made Greedo shoot first here or anything; it didn’t alter the storyline or anything. It’s just a bit flashier than before.
If they were to put this out on DVD? Yeah, I might pick it up because I’m into this stuff. I would not have gone for the mega set from Time Life if I wasn’t, but aside from that, I don’t think there would be much inclination on anyone’s part to go for what is essentially a re-release of Season 1.

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